Monday, November 16, 2015

Kerler, Jaszkowski, and Stevens Exhibit in Folk Tale Challenge

Kathie Kerler, Laura Jaszkowski, and Emily Stevens have work in the International Fairy/Folk Tale Challenge which debuts this month in Japan. There are three venues in Japan, then the exhibition travels to France for 2016 and 2017. The quilts will show in the US in 2018. Venues in France and the US are yet to be announced. There are 30 fairy/folk tales interpreted by 30 quilters in each of the three participating countries, resulting in three interpretations of the same tale. The photo mosaic shows the 30 quilts done by those of us in the US. Kathie's is in the third row down from the top on the far right: How the Rainbow Was Made: An Ojibwe Nation Creation Tale. Laura's is in the second row down from the top, second from the right and entitled: The Sadness of Yuki-onna. Emily's is in the top row, far right, Pinocchio.
 How the Rainbow Was Made: An Ojibwe Nation Creation Tale
Kathie Kerler

The Sadness of Yuki-onna
Laura Jaszkowski 
Emily Stevens

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